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Special Episode for Children

(4-16 years)

InternatioNAL LIterary and music forum

Episode -5

You can Present

  • Songs

  • Poems

  • Short Stories

  • Play Music

27 June 2020

London        13:00

Colombia     07:00

Dubai           16:00

Kathmandu 17:45

New Delhi    17:30

USA (NY)      08:00

A Digital Certificate of Participation is Provided

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected  our daily life. Schools are closed and  in many parts of the world, children are not allowed to go out to play with their friends.  They find it hard to adjust in a new routine  and  manage  their  emotions well. At the time of uncertainty, we must  try to make the best of this situation. This forum is a  result of  a group of parents' effort to   create  a  global forum for children- a safe virtual forum  where they share  a special  moment  with their peers  from around the world.


 Despite uncertainty, during this time, it’s important that we , as parents  support and take care of  our children’s mental health  and emotional wellbeing. We hope that this forum will give children a chance to share their emotions and feelings in creative ways . As they meet their peers virtually, they learn that they are not alone in this pandemic.

EYES-UK has organised this forum aiming at  Children (4-16 years)  and is  inspired by  the third party research commissioned by  BBC Arts which found that regardless of skill level, taking part in creative activities like making music helps people manage their emotions, build confidence and explore solutions to problems.



1)Children (4-16 years) who have not presented their creative works in previous episodes are eligible to register their names for this fourth episode.

2) There will be 30 participants per episode  and they will be invited to the forum on first come first serve basis. If there are any  cancellations just before the day of the event, we will  invite the next registered candidates on the waiting list. 

3)We are accepting registration from  one child per family to participate in the forum.  However, this rule doesn't apply in case of  a  group presentation.  

4)If there are more than four children from the same country registered , we may ask  those registered later  to present in the next episode to ensure that more children from different parts of the world can participate in the forum. They don't require to register again.

Register your name and share your creative work by 20th June 2020

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